Tales from the Strip Club excerpt

Tales From the Strip Club


I knew something was wrong because the moment I approached the exhausted looking doorman I noticed there was a distinctly foul odor emanating from the entrance. As I walk inside I see women in thongs rushing around holding pieces of clothing to their faces in an attempt to stifle the noxious odor that smells like fresh sewage. The bartender wears a foul grimace on her face. The smell is everywhere. Men are still sitting with drinks covering their noses and mouths with their shirts. The carpet on one side of the club is completely damp. “What’s going on?” I ask one of the girls. “The fucking sewer line broke in the fucking bathroom. Too many bitches were flushing their dirty thongs and tampons and shit.” Somewhere behind us a girl screams. I turn to see a girl running away from the flooded restroom. “There are worms in the water!” she is shrieking “There are worms in the water!”


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